Staff Support

  • 作者: 超级管理员
  • 时间: 2013-12-24 15:32:03
  • 点击率: 3972

A crucial part of Gong Li's work is serving his own staff.

In spite of his busy schedule, the Greater China Chairman of consulting company Accenture, spends a few hours with local employees discussing their career planning or even personal development if they turn to him for help.
Some of them have problems with time management or relationships with colleagues. Some are not satisfied with their current position and compensation. Some are lured by offers from other companies.
"I try to figure out the root of the problems and give my piece of advice according to the actual condition of each person," Li says. "I am not obliged to make all of them satisfied, but I want to make sure that I have done my best to help."
"That is one way to train and maintain an excellent team," he says.
The retention and incentive system for local employees has become a decisive factor for the success of multinational companies' (MNCs) business in China, according to a recently published survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting.
The survey shows that the majority of the more than 100 enterprises interviewed in China mostly multinationals reported an increasing ratio of resignation over the past 12 months, with most from sales, manufacturing and engineering staff.
Most enterprises consider a competitive compensation and welfare package the best way to retain staff, followed by chances for promotion and future development.
But Li thinks the latter is more important for professionals, and that a smooth communication channel is essential to retain staff.
A good executive should have quality communication with the boss as well as the subordinates, he says.
Working his way up
One of the rare local Chinese promoted to a high-ranking position in a multinational company, Li started his career at Accenture in Houston 21 years ago and made his way up via hard work and good adaptability.
"Many people would say it is hard for a local employee to obtain a key position in an MNC and would compare that with State-owned or private firms in China, but as I see it, the criteria is the same: Are you doing your job well? And then, can you express yourself well?" Li tells China Business Weekly.
First, you must make concrete achievements, he says. Then you have to learn how to shine.
For some Chinese staff, communication sometimes can be an obstacle for career development in an MNC.
Their inward and conservative character may hide their ability while westerners, more outgoing and eager to please, may impress their boss more.
Donny Huang, managing director of the 4stones Cross-cultural Consulting Group, has exactly the same feeling.
When he was in Hawaii doing a research project in the 90s, Huang was invited by the instructor to his house for tea. When the host asked if anyone wanted a drink, Huang, out of politeness, answered no. He turned out to be the only one who did not have a drink and remained thirsty throughout the afternoon.
"Being polite is no mistake, but westerners may not understand the Chinese customs, so you have to be more direct," says Huang, who, after taking various executive positions in many overseas companies, now has his own human resource consulting business in Beijing. He provides training to a number of MNCs, including Motorola, Philips and Alcoa, on cross-culture management. "It is especially so with MNCs where you have to be more aggressive to receive more attention."
His business is growing, as more MNCs realize the importance of cross-culture management.
Some of his clients, foreigners running businesses in China, are confused by the cultural differences. They seek his advice on management of local staff and relevant communication skills.
There must be mutual understanding and effort from both sides to make cross-culture management work and bring out the best efficiency of a team, Huang says.
While Chinese have to be more open and outgoing, foreign executives should have a better understanding of the Chinese culture and incentives that work well for local employees.
A wise leader is like water, says Huang, citing the ideology from the famous Taoist philosophy.
The liquidity and softness of water makes it more flexible and tolerant and less fragile when the external environment changes.
By SUN MIN, 《China Daily》
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